So it's the last day of the month so I'm posting. This is just a picture because why really no one is looking at this thing anyway.
Posted by Michelle at 18:58 0 comments
An Extra Day
So, I said I was going to post every month, and it's the last day of the month.. a "leap day" some say. Maybe only me but in any case... still Feb.
This is Oliver, he's a cat, and he sometimes leaps.
Posted by Michelle at 22:00 0 comments
This Blog Exists
I've decided I'm going to try to write this year. I've tried that every year for er.. some years now and haven't quite managed to stick to it, but one can always try again.
So, I have much to say but not sure how much I want to share, that's a bit of a setback.. and I'm quite aware that it's unlikely that you don't.. that is you, the reader don't actually exist and that does tend to dull the motivation a bit.
On the other hand I can always post an image of some sort and be done with it so I'm guessing that's what I'll mostly be doing assuming I remember to/can be bothered to do it at all.
I see the last time I showed up here was way back in March. Since then I've moved a few times, well, was between places for a month or two before moving to a new place. I've been in a few theatre things.. one of them was a real actual play, the others were sort of. That's it, not much else to report really, despite the long time between writing.
Speaking of roommates (did I mention them) and photos.. this is a photo of someone who currently shares my living space.
Posted by Michelle at 20:24 4 comments