
Mad, complete with cats.

I was just reading something, that's actually a link to something, which has nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about really, (the main subject of the piece is pubic hair, and I know none of you are interested in that subject) but something about the first paragraph jumped at me.

I am a 40-year-old single heterosexual woman, living in New York City. Just like thousands of other women I wonder if I will ever find The One, or if I will be a lonely old lady with cats who yells at the neighbors.
Hey, why you dissin' on cats lady? In fact, why is this cliche repeated over and over, with single ladies always claiming that they don't like cats, they don't have cats, feeling the need to defend themselves from the oh so terrible accusation of having cats!

Well fuck that! It's ok to have cat. It's ok to have one, it's ok to have 2, it's ok to have 7. It's ok to have cats if you're a man, it's ok to have cats if you are a traditional nuclear family with 2 3/4 children. It's ok to have cats if you're a gay couple (male or female), it's ok to have cats if you're a not married childless woman in her early 30s who is nevertheless in a relationship with a man creature, it's ok, in fact, to have cats if you are a single woman over 40 who is not and isn't going to be in a relationship any time soon. Or ever!

In fact, it's ok to be a mad, lonely old lady with cats who yells at the neighbours!

I don't have cats or any pets. I am as you may well know a single woman in my 30s. This doesn't bother me. The fact that I don't have cats, and don't actually live alone, and am in something that might resemble a relationship to those who use the word loosely (with a man, no less) might make a difference, but really what I want out of life, and will have once I get my shit together (which is going to be real soon now), is to live alone, in my very own place, and to have cats!

Two of them actuallyboth female. There will be no males living in my home. How's that for mad?


Corona Red said...

And that is how it should be. Believe me, cats are better than men sometimes.

I don't understand this stereotype either. It makes me a bit bananas.

I love men and I love my cat, but if I don't have the man, I can't have the cat. What? That makes no sense.

epikles said...

what got me about the story was, just exactly when are these men she's dating bringing up this subject? used to be you'd worry about which number date was suitable for a kiss good night. now they're talking about pubic hair on the first date? that could probably wait at least until date number two!

Anonymous said...

Cats can be much more preferable than most men I know....If anything ever happens to my husband I will proudly become a cat lady!

Anonymous said...

dang, I am afraid of cats, but if yall teaching them about pubic hairs, can they be taught about the clit? I think I can get learn to love cats, might like them more than I like men, that think they got it going on............tammy