
Dark Times

Tonight is the night when the spirits and the humans can walk among one another, or so some lore says. I won't be out because we have a curfew. A fucking curfew! I may have said the same thing back in the spring when this was all happening the first time round. I don't know, I've ceased caring about things.

Back then this country was one of the safer ones, with regard to this whole pandemic, there were rules and laws that enough people followed to keep things relatively under control. 

Then it was all over. Things opened up, people went out, stopped wearing masks. Now we're the worst in Europe. It's all shutting down again, businesses have gone under, I've run out of money though I haven't actually had any for the whole year and it's all coming back. Except I don't care. I've stopped caring about anything because all it does is aggravate, and here I am.

From the little I've been forced to pay attention to things around me it seems as though people are a bit less vigilant about the whole keeping safe thing than they were first time around. I think everyone's just bored of it. 

Worst thing is I've almost run out of tv. I've been watching a lot and they've stopped making as much of it, I'm going to run out soon and I may be forced to think about stuff which I'm not looking forward to. If I'm out on the street by then none of this will mattet, of course.


Ronald said...

Here in the UK things have taken a similar turn regarding control of covid19. After the “success” of the first lockdown too many people took it as a sign to return to normal behaviour. You could see it happening all around. So it’s no surprise that the pandemic has peaked again. But I’m not very optimistic about a second lockdown doing the trick. I suspect many people feel they’ve done their duty first time around so the government can go fuck themselves. But we shall see :|

I do hope things improve soon, at least by the New Year, and especially for you and your situation. Keep me posted.


Michelle said...

Don, hello, good to hear from you. I hope things improve too but the last few months have remained mainly the same. I seem to be surviving here despite the lack of income and prospects so I'm just accepting that for now.

At least I got internet again after not having it a few weeks but they turned off our water here.. and one of my guitar strings broke and it's the one that always breaks so I don't have a spare. Otherwise things are as they are.

Ronald said...

Turned the water off? WTF?

Michelle said...

Yeah, long story, I could get into it, and write about it but it's tedious really. We have access to water on our floor but none running in the flat, so no shower, sort of thing. It's unpleasant.